
Research Activity Projects (self-financed)

ATHENA – Assistive Technology Helping Elderly iN-place Ageing

October 2010 – now

ATHENA provides methods and tools to support the elderly in preserving their independence by ensuring security (physical and perceived), monitoring, and communicating with both them and their families. The project is highly innovative with respect to the current system of social welfare in that it implements the mechanism of “mutual tranquillity” (monitoring and communication) and the paradigm of behavioural compensation” (monitoring, analysis and intervention).

BRIDGe – Behaviour dRift detection and compensation for autonomous and InDependent livinG

October 2010 – now

The BRIDGe project aims at achieving the AAL goals of enabling a solid connection between the person living independently at home and her social environment (e.g., family, caregivers, third sector organizations, proximity network) by implementing a system centred around the user, which can provide focused interventions according to the identified person’s needs. BRIDGe is targeted explicitly to elderly, mild cognitive or physically impaired people and, more in general, to fragile people, i.e., people whose weakness threatens autonomy, health or essential aspects of life. Specific psychological conditions, disabilities or limited capabilities are examples of weaknesses that can make a person fragile, according to the previous definition.


Current Projects

ACCESS: Accessibility to clinical care for people with ASD through anxiety management by using personalized applications and IoT (PRIN)

The proposal aims at developing technologies to support the management of anxiety of people with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) when dealing with clinical treatment. These technologies will be integrated into a tool named ACCESS that will be tested and evaluated in two pilot studies, namely that of dental care and ENT care (Ear, nose and throat). The key of ACCESS is that people with ASD can be introduced into clinical treatment by following a personalized path, which takes into account their needs and timelines, and that makes use of a number of digital tools, like serious games to get accustomed to the clinical path, or tools to record, in the form of multimedia material, the patient’s experience so that they can analyze and relieve it later. ACCESS builds over more than a decade of research conducted by the members of the teams on technological solutions for disability, and extends their previous achievements under many different aspects. In particular, with ACCESS we plan to adopt a methodology of participatory design involving since the early stages a number of stakeholders for the design, test and assessment of the implemented tools. Secondly,
ACCESS will use sensors for the assessment of the anxiety level and stress stress of the patient with ASD during clinical care in an innovative way, and finally, we will enrich ACCESS with real-time personalization that makes use of those sensors.
Leveraging our network of connections with stakeholders that include associations for ASD, hospitals, caregivers, medical specialists and “Aziende Sanitarie Locali”, we will hence create focus groups assisting all the phases of design, development and assessment of ACCESS, and we will set up two pilot studies with real patients with ASD demonstrating the effectiveness of ACCESS in the cases of dental care and ENT care.
The team is well assorted and with clear roles: the leading team UNIPI will develop the main ACCESS tools, POLIMI will develop the sensors to monitor anxiety level and stress of the patients, UNITO will develop the real time personalization capabilities of ACCESS, and finally CNR will develop the participatory methodology for the design, development and assessment.

MEP – Maps for Easy Path


LINK to the MEP site:

September 2017

MEETmeTONIGHT is a version of the European Night of Researchers, which is celebrated across Europe, where the population is put in contact with the themes and the protagonists of research and innovation.
MMT 2017 – Como – Scuola secondaria di 1° Grado “Emilio e Pia Prandoni” – Torno (CO) Italy

October 2014 – October 2016

MEP is a two-year project of Polisocial (a program of social responsibility and commitment of Politecnico di Milano), which aims to develop a set of innovative tools and solutions for the enrichment of geographical maps with information about the accessibility of urban pedestrian areas for people with mobility problems.

Two APPS are available on the Google Play Store:

  • MEP Traces: With MEP Traces, you can automatically trace your path, and it will be reconstructed with good precision. MEP- Traces have been designed to be used by people with motor disabilities, with the idea that if the person is able to do a path, that path may be considered accessible and be shared with other people having the same type of disability.
  • MEP App: MEP App is the app that allows you to display on a map the accessible routes collected through MEP-Traces. Through MEP-App anyone can also denounce impediments and/or malfunctions through messages or pictures; you can also enrich other accessibility information. For example, you can also signal parking lots for disabled people and accessible transport.
Ottobre 2014 – Ottobre 2016

MEP è un progetto Polisocial (un programma di impegno e responsabilità sociale del Politecnico), che ha l’obiettivo di sviluppare un insieme di strumenti e soluzioni innovative per l’arricchimento di mappe geografiche con informazioni relative alla percorribilità pedonale urbana per le persone con problemi di mobilità.

Due APPS sono disponibili su Google Play Store:

  • MEP Traces: MEP-Traces è l’app che permette di rilevare in modo automatico il percorso effettuato dalla persona e di ricostruirlo con una buona precisione. MEP-Traces è pensata per essere utilizzata dalle persone con disabilità motorie, con l’idea che se la persona riesce ad effettuare un percorso, quel percorso può essere ritenuto accessibile ed essere condiviso con altre persone aventi lo stesso tipo di disabilità.
  • MEP App: MEP App è la app che consente di visualizzare su una mappa i percorsi accessibili raccolti attraverso MEP-Traces. Attraverso MEP-App chiunque potrà inoltre denunciare impedimenti e/o malfunzionamenti attraverso messaggi o fotografie; si potranno arricchire anche altre informazioni sull’accessibilità: ad esempio, si potranno segnalare anche parcheggi per disabili e fermate e mezzi di trasporto accessibili.

Past Projects

ALMA – AAL Joint Programme

April 2013 – April 2016

ALMA is an international project with the following participants: Scuola Universitaria Professionale della Svizzera Italiana (Switzerland), Politecnico di Milano (Italy), Infosolution SpA (Italy), VCA Technology Ltd. (UK), Istituti Sociali di Chiasso (Switzerland), Clinica Hildebrand (Switzerland), University of Wuerzburg (Germany), Degonda SA (Switzerland)
Among the difficulties that old age and disability force upon people, those related to mobility have an especiallyhigh impact on quality of life and psychological well-being. The Alma project tackles the issue of not being able to move autonomously or effectively by combining a set of advanced hardware and software technologies into an integrated and modular system composed by: (i) an indoor localization system based on a network of low-cost/low-power RF emitters, to provide room level localization of people and objects; (ii) an ad-hoc, autonomic hw/sw system based on networked smart cameras providing accurate indoor and outdoor localization and environment monitoring; (iii) an intelligent system for the online planning of users’ paths according to their specific needs, matching these with the actual state of the environment and the available resources; (iv) a personal mobility kit for electric powered wheelchairs allowing them to perform automatic or assisted navigation and, additionally, to interact with the surrounding environment (v) a personal navigation assistant sporting user-friendly interface to all the functionalities of the system, tailored to the specific user-defined requirements and physical limitations (e.g., vocal and tactile interfaces, ad-hoc devices). Alma users will be supported in their mobility to acquire knowledge about interesting locations (e.g., services, people, facilities, etc.), to select and follow an efficient and safe path to such destinations considering their needs and/or limitations or the status of the environment, to present the resources provided by intelligent environments to the users so they can effectively access them with familiar instruments without feeling disoriented or overwhelmed by technology. Alma will bring to the mobility of a wide range of primary end-users a real advancement, that will be measured in terms of the most appropriate metric: their own feeling of freedom and increased empowerment. At the same time secondary end-users, e.g., residences and hospitals, will leverage on the information collected by the system on the movements of their guests to monitor their ageing, to design personalized support services or rehabilitation paths.


Cluster SHELL

Shared and interoperable domestic ecosystems for sustainable, comfortable, and secure living ambients

Cluster Shell is a national project with the following participants: Università Politecnica delle Marche, Politecnico di Milano, Telecom Italia e diversi consorzi aziendali tra cui Homelab (BTicino, Teuco, Ariston, Indesit et al.). Politecnico is working on the following,
Models for the sharing and pre-processing of information to support AAL technologies
The goal of this activity is to model, analyze and monitor in time the comfort level, in the broad sense of phyco-physical wellbeing, of the house guest. This aims at the integration of services that could provide her with assistance in the short and long period (e.g., services and solutions of Ambient Assisted Living for the Active Aging).
Development of systems for the sharing of information coming from AAL technologies
This activity aims at modeling and integrating with the devices in the house information coming from AAL technologies for the Active Aging and for the help of fragile people.


159623Giugno 2013 – Dicembre 2015

L’aumento dell’aspettativa di vita porta a un incremento delle fasce di popolazione fragile, come anziani e disabili. Solo in Lombardia, nel 2043 si prevedono 3,5 milioni di over 65 rispetto ai 2 milioni attuali, mentre a livello nazionale la percentuale di over 65 salirà dal 20% al 32%. Per garantire una buona qualità della vita, è fondamentale sviluppare modelli di intervento integrati e interdisciplinari.

L’approccio suggerito prevede una strategia basata sull’integrazione tra soluzioni di Ambient Assisted Living e reti sociali (associazioni, servizi sanitari), oltre che legami affettivi, unendo capacità di analisi dei bisogni e innovazione tecnologica.

Il progetto ADALGISA mira a creare una piattaforma tecnologica per supportare l’autonomia delle persone fragili, offrendo strumenti flessibili e integrati con azioni sociali. L’obiettivo è migliorare la qualità della vita delle persone fragili e delle loro famiglie, permettendo comunicazione, monitoraggio e intervento a costi efficienti su tutto il territorio regionale.

Il progetto si propone di:

  • Sviluppare una piattaforma tecnologica economica e configurabile con sistema domotico, monitoraggio ambientale, gestione allarmi e interfaccia per l’autonomia degli anziani.
  • Identificare requisiti personalizzati per utenti e reti di supporto.
  • Analizzare il ruolo degli strumenti per favorire autonomia e inclusione sociale.
  • Coinvolgere reti territoriali e il terzo settore nella progettazione e sperimentazione su casi reali..

ADALGISA: The Safe, Friendly, and Smart House

June 2013 – December 2015

The rise in life expectancy means a growing portion of the population, such as elderly and disabled people, may face greater fragility. In Lombardy, those aged 65+ are expected to reach 3.5 million by 2043, up from 2 million, while nationally, the percentage will grow from 20% (12 million people) to over 32%. Ensuring quality of life will require integrated, interdisciplinary intervention models.

This approach combines Ambient Assisted Living solutions with social networks (associations, cooperatives, healthcare services) and personal support networks, merging social needs assessment with technological innovation.

Fragility indicates a vulnerable state that incurs high economic and social costs and is worsened by societal risks and ageing. Challenges like economic instability and labour market shifts highlight the need for new support approaches amid welfare struggles.

The ADALGISA Project aims to develop a technological platform offering flexible, customizable tools to enhance autonomy for fragile individuals. It seeks to improve quality of life through an adaptive platform that integrates living, social, and healthcare environments, enabling communication, monitoring, and effective intervention throughout the region.

The project’s primary goals are:

  • Life expectancy growth increases the population’s fragile groups, especially elderly and disabled individuals.
  • In Lombardy, those over 65 will reach 3.5 million by 2043, while nationally, they will exceed 32%.
  • Integrated, interdisciplinary intervention models are essential to maintain quality of life.
  • The ADALGISA Project aims to create a flexible platform that supports fragile individuals’ autonomy and integrates living, social, and healthcare environments.
  • Goals include improved communication, monitoring, and regional support for cost-effective interventions.

GoALL – Going towards solutions for Ambient Assisted Living

Alta Scuola Politecnica ASP

The Alta Scuola Politecnica (ASP) is a school for young talents with a passion for innovation who wish to develop their potential in a multidisciplinary community. Students from Politecnico di Milano and Politecnico di Torino collaborate with AUS Niguarda ( to provide solutions for disabled persons with motor impairments that have to interface with objects/services of everyday use.


The AutonomaMente project created a highly customizable application utilizing multimodal communication (speech, icons, text) to support independent living for individuals with cognitive disabilities in specially equipped apartments with domotic sensors. Its functionalities are designed to support the everyday social activities of the users: using the telephone in a simple way, scheduling appointments, keeping track of time and organising personal finances and savings. The implemented solution can effectively support people facing difficulties derived from their impairments (for instance, reading/writing difficulties, sequencing problems, and long/short-term memory impairments).
Funded by: Fondazione Cariplo


P300 wave based Brain Computer Interface (BCI)

Communication is a core aspect of human life since it allows us to share concepts, information, and needs. In patients afflicted by pathologies likeAmyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) an interruption of communication ability occurs: the patient must use Alternative and Augmentative Communication (AAC) aids to recover this capability. Due to the progress of the disease, the patient’s abilities keep reducing till complete paralysis. In that condition, the only interface able to provide a communication channel is the Brain Computer Interface (BCI). In the following, we will present a P300-based BCI integrated into a project implementing a remote monitoring system for ALS patients.



Localization And Ubiquitous monitoRing of pAtients for health care support

Various efforts are underway to enhance the quality and effectiveness of healthcare services through Information and Communication Technologies (ICT). Recent advancements in device miniaturization and wireless communication have created significant opportunities for developing pervasive systems for remote patient monitoring and tracking. Project LAURA was inspired by the specific needs of the “Fondazione Eleonora e Lidia,” a nursing institute specializing in the care of critical patients, aiming to design a lightweight system integrated within the institute for monitoring and locating patients with epileptic disorders.

The system includes three main components: a distributed Personal Localization System (PLS) to track patients within the institute, a wearable Personal Monitoring System (PMS) to capture patient movements and a lightweight wireless network architecture to transmit data (patient location and status) remotely. Key features of this system are the high accuracy of collected data and its non-invasive integration within the institute’s environment.

Despite its critical mission, the original version lacked reliability mechanisms. Moreover, since the device is wearable, potential faults could arise from users forgetting—or choosing not—to wear it. To address this, the Assistive Technology Group (ATG) of Politecnico di Milano has developed a method for concurrent fault detection. They analyzed potential solutions based on cost and functionality, selecting one that employs off-the-shelf home sensors, such as PIR (Passive InfraRed) sensors and door/window open-close detectors, to track movements. By modelling system behaviour, they could detect both natural hardware faults and situations where a patient is no longer wearing the device.

Funded by: Politecnico di Milano